Introduction of computer

1. what is Computer?

Computer is an electronic device. The word computer is Comes from the Latin term 'computare'. The meaning of 'computare' is to calculate or programmable machine. Computer cannot do anything without any software. It represents the decimal numbers '10' and string of binary digits (0,1). The Word 'Computer' usually refers to the center Processor Unit and Internal memory. Computer is an advanced electronic device.

Modern computers are based on Charles Babbage theory So Charles Babbage is called the father of computers. Charles Babbage designed The First mechanical computer. That is called Analytical Engine. It uses read-only memory which is in the form of punch cards. That device takes raw data as input from the user and processes. Analytical Engine control of set of instructions and gives the result (output). We can use that output for the future use. It can process both numerical and non-numerical or we can say arithmetic and logical calculations.
Picture Of Computer

Picture Of Computer

A computer system has three main components. without those component computer is not run. they are related each other. Main components of computer are Hardware, Software and People or User.

2) Hardware:

The physical component related with a computer system is called hardware. which we can see or touch properly. It is the main things for computer.

    Computer hardware


Set of instructions or data that tells the computer hardware what to do is called Software. without software computer does not work . So that is called heart of computer. Software is a actually a  computer program of computer which direct computer hardware to do. Software direct to hardwire of computer in step-by-step instructions that to do the tasks you want it to do and to produce the results you want.
There are two types of software 

System software

Set of program which control and manage computer hardware is called system software. System software also three types.

I) Operating system
Operating system are collections of software which help to run other software.

II) Device driver 

Device driver which operate or control a particular type of device which attached to a computer.

III) Utilities
Utilities which are also computer programs which designed for maintenance and care of users computers.

Application software

The program which allow application program to execute properly is called application program.

4)  People or User:

Person who use computer is called user. People use the computer for some purpose. this course will show you that the computer can be a tool for just about anyone e.g. from a School, business, to an artist, to a housekeeper, to a student and other platform.


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