Changing display properties

Changing display properties for windows 7
Go to your desktop, right-click your mouse and go to Personalize.

The following panel will open. Here you can adjust the change desktop icons, change mouse pointer, change your account picture, display, task bar and start menu and other items. To change the display settings, click on display.

then you can see following window.

Then you choose radio button smaller for small desktop icons and choose medium button smaller for medium desktop icons. Then you close this window click on close button.

Changing display properties for windows 10

Go to your Desktop, right-click your mouse and go to Display Settings. 

The following panel will open. Here you can adjust the size of text, apps, and other items and also change the orientation. To change the resolution settings, scroll down this window and click on Advanced Display Settings.

you may want to modify if you want the items in your PC to appear larger. Please note that lower is the resolution, larger is the content displayed on your screen. From the available options in the drop-down menu, select the one you want and click Apply. click 1366 X 768 is the recommended screen resolution for PC. It may be different for you.

when you click advance display setting computer show the following window.

If it is not the optimal setting for your system, you will see an Optimal Resolution Notification like this.
You may ignore the notification and confirm your Screen Resolution changes by clicking on Keep The Changes. or you may select another screen resolution. You will get just 15 seconds to confirm the changes or else it will revert to the default display settings.

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