Operating System


Operating system (OS) is  interaction between hardware and user. It manage and coordinate of activities and the share the resources of computer for  people or user. Mainly There are 2 types of operating systems:
1. Command Line Interface (CLI)
2. Graphical User Interface (GUI)

1. Command Line Interface (CLI): 

In the Command Line Interface user must remember the commands. which is given to computer system throw the command prompt. Examples of Command Line Interface OS is DOS and UNIX. sometime CLI called CUI. there is not images or graphics. In early days computers had to be operated through this interface with a black screen and white text only. We can type only text and give commands to computer. like MS DOS or command prompt.

2. Graphical User Interface (GUI)

GUI is modern technology  which most modern computers make use. In modern computer technology that makes use of graphics, images and other visual clues such as icons. Graphical User Interface made it possible for a mouse. User could interact with just a click of the mouse rather than typing commands. GUI Operating Systems have become the dominant (CLI). Most modern Windows operating system is support GUI Operating system.

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