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It is makes very easy to imagine a life with computer technology. Now a day's Computers are used in almost every aspect of our lives. That is vital in performing daily tasks and operations accurately. Computer used by individuals for studies, research, entertainment and in various occupations. In the present world where everything is stored digitally and people want jobs done fast, computer technology is a crucial factor in achieving personal or organizational goal.

This basic computer training course is designed to teach the operations and functionality of computer system and use it complete tasks accurately and quickly which otherwise would require much time and effort. It helps the students to operate computer system to perform tasks easily. My goal is learn about understanding operations of computer, computer fundamental and operating system. This syllabus can be attended by anyone with little to no knowledge about computers and how to use them. There are no prerequisites required for joining this training course. This syllabus will not generate any employment prospects but it able to the students learn about computer. The basic computer syllabus prepares the students to work as a professional in a computer work environment. The student will learn to use internet facilities also.

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