Computer - Data and Information

What is data?

Data is raw material of information and collection of recorded values . Data can be representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in formal manner. Data should be communication, interpretation, or processing by electronic machine. Data is a collection of alphabets, digits, special character. alphabets, digits, special character are called values. For example Values (alphabets (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9) or special characters (+,-,/,*,<,>,= etc.)).

What is Information?

Information is processed form of data. Information is organized or classified data. information is meaningful values for the user. Information is based on decisions and actions. Data and information are Complementary with each other.

Data processing Cycle is the re-structuring and re-ordering of data. throw the Data Processing Cycle should be increase  data in useful and valuable for a particular purpose. Data processing Cycle run the following basic steps like input- processing-output. These three steps are called the data processing cycle.

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