Copy multiple items on the Office Clipboard

For windows office 2007 and other new version.
1. Open the file.
2. At first select the item that you want to copy.
This process can do one of the following in these Office programs:

§  Go to Home tab, on the Clipboard You can see copy, pest option. 
Then click Copy.
§  Keyboard shortcut Press CTRL+C at one time.
In earlier version of Microsoft word
§  On the Edit menu, click Copy.
Keyboard shortcut CTRL+C

Paste items
We can also paste items from the Office Clipboard at a time. Foe this You can do following process.

1. At first  Click on the place where you want to paste items.
2. Now follow the following steps:
§  If you want to paste one items at a time then go to Clipboard task pane and double-click each item which you want to paste.
§  If you want paste all the items that you copied, then go to the Clipboard task pane, click Paste All.

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