Change Case

Change case should have been capitalized letters in different ways. There are 5 types of capitalization are available. 
(for latest version of MS office)
· Sentence case: It help to change uppercase the first letter of a sentence and all other letters as lowercase.
· Lowercase: It help to change all letters of sentence as lowercase.
· UPPERCASE: It help to change all letters of sentence as UPPERCASE.
· Capitalize Each Word: It helps to capitalize the first letter of each word other letters lowercase.
· tOGGLE cASE: It helps to the lowercase first letter of each word and other letters are capitalize.

If you want to change case at first select the text which you want to change case. Then go to Home menu.
· In the Font group click on change case Icon.
· Then choose change case type as you need.

Note: You can use shortcut key to change between lowercase, UPPERCASE, and Capitalize Each Word, for this select the text and press SHIFT + F3 until the case you want is applied.


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