Print Document in Office 10 or new version
If you want to Print Document Follow the following steps:
(Latest version of windows office)
1. At first Select the File tab.
2. Select Print.
Note: You can also use Ctrl+P shortcut key on your keyboard.
To print a document:
1. Then select the printer Type which you install in your computer.
2. Select the number of copies how many do you want to print.
4. Then click Print.
Custom printing
Sometimes it is unnecessary to print your entire document. If you want to print custom printing or several individual pages or a range of pages, Word office allows you to print this pages which you'd like to print. For this follow this steps
At first press ctrl+p and follow above process. you'll need to separate each entry with a comma for example (1, 3, 5-7, or 10-14).
1. Go to Print panel.
2. Choose In the setting select custom page like bellow.
3. Click Print.
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