Spelling checking

egclass February 27, 2021
Microsoft Office is intelligent program. it has own  dictionary . It helps us to check spellings. If write in your document, it generates un...Read More

Find and Replacing Text

egclass February 12, 2021
Find Text in MS office 2007 If you want to search any word, text or sentence in your document you can follow following steps. Go to Home m...Read More

Undo and Redo

egclass February 12, 2021
If there is something else and you want to reverse the last action, click on undo button which is in the Quick Access Toolbar. Or You can...Read More

Copy, Cut and Pest

egclass February 12, 2021
Copy the  text, line or paragraph  do following process:     Select the text, line or paragraph which you want to copy.     Click the Copy o...Read More

Text Editing

egclass February 12, 2021
Deleting text, copy text, pest, move text, replace text, etc. is called text editing. When we want to do delete text, copy text, pest, move ...Read More

Print document in MS Office 2007

egclass February 08, 2021
Click on the round Office button. Then click  Print . From the Print options, select  Print Note: You can also use  Ctrl+P  shortcut k...Read More

Create New Document In MS office

egclass February 08, 2021
1.    At first choose MS Office Item Like (word, excel, power point etc.) 2.    For this click start menu and choose word, excel, power po...Read More

Print Document in Office 10 or new version

egclass February 05, 2021
  If you want to Print Document Follow the following steps: (L atest   version  of windows office) 1.    At first Select the  File  tab. 2. ...Read More

Print preview

egclass February 03, 2021
Print preview is displays on the screen what a hard copy would look like. when printed. We can find any error by using print preview and fix...Read More

Strikethrough and Double strikethrough

egclass February 03, 2021
   1.   Strikethrough:  it is use for draw a line over the                selected text. Like  Ram is a good boy .Read More
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